Spanish Network

MLTAQ Spanish Network

Contact: Mariana Cedermas & Claudia Patricia Pinilla

What does the Spanish Network offer YOU?

  • Facebook group - regular communication among members with Q&As regularly answered by other members. 

  • Access to a Spanish Radio program about the Spanish language learning in QLD and resources for all ages - updates from Radio 4EB and links to listen to it on Spotify

  • Regular emails with news and latest job offers 

  • PD opportunities both online and in person (Spanish symposium and collaboration sessions for University teachers, High school, Primary School and IB teachers, once a term)

  • Collaboration with STANSW (Spanish Teachers Association NSW) to create a reading club for teachers and to develop a PD after reading the teachers chosen pedagogy books. 

  • Collaboration with STANSW (Spanish Teachers Association NSW) to create a reading club for teachers and to develop a PD after reading the teachers chosen pedagogy books. 

  • Participation of the Spanish Language and our QLD schools in the Speech Competition run by MLTAQ and Education Perfect.

  • End of term and end of year gatherings in Hispanic restaurants around Brisbane to get to know other teachers and celebrate our culture. 

  • There will be an immersion event organised by the Spanish Embassy in Canberra for Spanish teachers in QLD at the end of the year

  • We will be also promoting Flamenco classes through the MLTAQ and among schools

  • MLTAQ Spanish Network is always present in many cultural events happening around Brisbane for teachers to practice their Spanish language and enjoy the cultural aspects of teaching this language (Feria de Abril, Cabalgata de Reyes, Spanish Markets, Spanish Film Festival, and many other events organised by The Australian Spanish Sociocultural Association - TASSCA).

  • IB students from different schools do their CAS in the events mentioned above.

The MLTAQ has a corporate Zoom subscription so we can network with you no matter where you live!

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